What is Osteopathic Medicine? There are two types of medical doctors in the United States of America. The Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons (Osteopaths), with the degree designation of (D.O.), and there are the Allopathic Physicians & Surgeons (Allopaths), with the degree designation of (M.D.)
What is the difference? The Osteopathic Physicians & Surgeons are the "true" American doctors, as their philosophy and medical schools originated in America over one hundred years ago. Founded by Andrew Taylor Still, M.D., D.O., who realized that medicine had to involve more than just popping pills. The Osteopathic training focuses on the entire human body and emphasizes a holistic approach for health. The Osteopathic Physicians are the original physicians that extended their care out to individuals' homes and frequently made house calls by horse and buggy, during the 1800's. Today, we still are the doctors out on front line providing excellent medical care, with emphasis on preventative health care. Osteopathic Physicians are changing Americans' health for the better.
Some use the analogy that the difference between the two types of doctors are similar to the differences between McDonalds and Burger King, meaning it's personal preference. There are not that many differences appreciated now a days because many of the Osteopathic Physicians do not practice their valuable art of Osteopathic Manipulation, known as OMT.
To summarize, an Osteopathic Physician (Osteopath) is equivalent to the best M.D. (Allopath), the best psychiatrist, the best chiropractor, the best physical therapist, all rolled up into one package that being the "D.O."
Osteopathic Physicians treat patients and not just their symptoms. Osteopathic Physicians believe that disease originates from deep within the body's tissues, known as the neuromuscularskeletal ( nervous, muscular, and skeletal) system. When these systems are kept in balance, prevention of diseases are the result. Osteopathic Physicians are trained to detect early changes that occur deep within these systems and are able to prevent many chronic diseases when they are caught in their "early stages." Osteopathic Physicians are highly trained and offer patients the most modern medical treatments and diagnostics available. They are very friendly, compassionate, and understanding of patients' many concerns. Osteopathic Physicians do not only treat the patient's problems they learn and understand the potential circumstances that can be the cause for some of the problems which ultimately, can result in disease.
Some causes of diseases include lack of regular doctor care, health fads, stress, domestic family violence including mental and physical abuse, poor living conditions, poor body hygiene including dental hygiene, sedentary (lack of exercise) life styles, poor nutritional habits, lack of adequate water ingestion, impaired sleep habits, excessive crying and feelings of guilt, multiple sex partners and unsafe, unprotected sexual habits, use of illicit (street) drugs, alcohol, smoking, excessive over-the-counter vitamin-herbal consumption, environmental conditions including ultraviolet sun exposure, ingestion of contaminated waters and food supplies, exposure to airborne and water toxins, exposure to certain pets and animals, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugars etc...
Please, never take your health for granted. Many individuals are not even aware of their health until they lose it. See your doctor regularly, even if you are not ill. Preventative health care is essential for early detection of many disease processes. Insist that your medical care is in the hands of an Osteopathic Physician; settle for nothing less!After all, your health and life depends on quality medical care that is second to none!
Do not allow your insurance companies to "control" your choice over your health care. Patients should feel very comfortable with their doctor and they should consider their doctor to be their "best friend." Patients should be able to tell their doctor their most intimate life details. If you are presently with a doctor that you do not feel that way with then it is time to find another doctor. After all, if an individual is not able to "talk" to their doctor and have their doctor "listen" to what is being said then the entire picture of ones' health is not complete. To completely understand a patient's health needs, your doctor must "know you."
If you have never been seen by an Osteopathic Physician, make the switch and "see and feel the difference" of being cared for by a doctor who is on the "same plane" as you. Osteopathic Physicians treat the patient, not just their symptoms. They care about you and your family.
Dr. Gina Reghetti is in private, solo practice. She offers her services to all age groups, but predominately cares for senior citizens, the disabled, and veteran patients. She also has a private, Acute Opioid Detox Clinic for individuals that need help with their Opioid Addictions. Treatment under the DATA 2000, with Suboxone/Subutex. The doctor does not discriminate against any individuals that are suffering from their disease(s). If you, or a loved one, is inflicted with the deadly disease-if left untreated, of opioid addiction, seek help. The doctor treats all diseases, even opioid addictions. Individuals that have opioid addictions are protected under federal laws which allows treatment in the comforts of a doctor's private medical office without being harassed or discriminated against by anyone, including the public, township, city, or state officials. If you, or a family member, or friend, feel that they are a victim of a community based Hate-Crime, please report the incident(s) to the United States Federal government and seek legal representation immediately! NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, even though they may think they are! Seek help for your addictions before they take away your life. There isn't any disease that doctor cannot treat. The doctor is residency trained and holds dual board certifications and three unrestricted medical licenses in the United States of America. She is a former Federal Physician of the Department of Veterans' Affairs and is trained in Military Medicine and Biochemical warfare defense. She is the recipient of numerous certifications, awards, and honors, and has spent most of her life devoted to the health and welfare of mankind. She is an Active Staff member at St. Joseph's Hospital on Eastland Avenue, in Warren. As an Osteopathic (D.O.) Physician as opposed to an Allopathic Physician (M.D.), Dr. Reghetti has unique training that involves thorough knowledge of the entire neuromusculoskeletal system.
It is through this knowledge and thorough understanding of the human body's neuromuscularskeletal pathophysiological functioning that she is able to detect early changes deep within these structures by palpation (touch) and sense changes in the body's tissues and textures. It is through sensation "touch" (palpation) of these minute disruptions in the body's homeostasis "normal balance" that precisely points to areas of early system failures. The Osteopathic Physicians refer to this region as "dis-ease" meaning a state of distress yet not quite "disease." It is at this point that the Osteopathic Physicians can intervene and "restore" a state of healthy balance known as homeostasis. The power of touch and sensation combined with the art and science of Osteopathic Medicine results in healthier longevity. Choose your doctors wisely. Osteopaths treat the patient's mind, body, and spirit which encompasses the patient's whole aura and results in a complete healthy balance.
The Osteopathic training allows complete understanding and treatment of an individual's whole body. The doctor is trained to care for individuals who have many different types of diseases. If you are tired of running to many different doctors to get help for one problem and needing to run to another doctor to get help for another problem, then Osteopathic Family Medicine is what you need.
Dr. Reghetti practices traditional medicine and cares for and regulates the entire body so that a complete balance can be achieved. She can help regulate your health without all the hassle. Patients should not need to be worried about meeting different doctor's appointments to ensure that all of their health problems are properly addressed and treated. Dr. Reghetti is the one stop doctor whom patients can trust, that addresses every individual's health needs and educates her patients on how to care for themselves. Achieving a state of "natural healthiness" is the goal!
Dr. Reghetti claims to be no healer but she does admit to working for one.
Danic'a (Dee) Reghetti
Special thanks to my college, Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine (KCOM) for recognizing my potential and for giving me the opportunity to learn this great art of medicine. I am forever grateful.
To all of my mentors, I thank you for sharing your knowledge with me and for your guidance along the way.
I also wish to thank my mother, Dee, who continues to be "the wind beneath my wings." I thank you for all of your support.
Thank you God for giving me the knowledge and the wisdom to help my patients.
Gina Reghetti, D.O.
This website is dedicated to my father, the late, Angelo Reghetti, WWII Army Veteran, 101st Airborne Division Paratrooper, and to my wonderful mother, Danic'a (Dee), Dootsie Do, Pooh. Thank you for always being there and helping me.